ジェームズ ハーマン校長先生からのメッセージが更新されました
Good morning!
Every morning when you come to school, you are met at the front gate by students and teachers who greet you with “gokigenyo”. This morning ritual has a deeper meaning that you may not think about. By greeting you, we are saying that you are welcome, that you are one of us. It is part of the social fabric that builds a spirit of welcome and inclusion. For our graduate students, it is one of the things that they remember fondly of their days at Kanto. And from this year, we have begun to include the greetings of all the languages we learn on campus. You are students of a school that is unique in Japan, nowhere else can you find a school that so embraces the culture and language of others. Be proud of your school and show that pride when you arrive on campus and throughout the day. Gokigenyo!